Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The Restored, The Unrestored, and the Unrestorable

The fact that there are still Anderson Coaches out there somewhere weather they be in some farmers field or in a junk yard they are National Treasures that need to be saved well there are some people out there along with me saving some of the rarest camper trailers in the world  in these photos I will show you the only examples of Anderson Coaches I have found and some are saved and some are so bad that they would be only good for parts like the Viking was! As sad as it is that some of them are destroyed the Beauty is that the few are saving as many as they can with their parts and are not just being sold off as scrap and destroyed for scrap value. Here are some saved, the ugly but restoreable, and the dying!


Only a few of these are known to me of where they are or who owns them let me know who you are lets have a Anderson Reunion or start an Anderson Coach club lets get these Amazing Trailers out there and let the public know what they are about,  These next examples are owned by Nomad trailer Lodge look them up they are Awesome.


Anonymous said...

I recently purchased a 45ft Anderson Trailer made in 1963. I'm planing to restore it.

Ed k said...

I have what is supposed to be a 47 Anderson. Had it for 10 years or so and am thinking of selling it. To many projects. Been stored inside most of the time I had it.

Jeremy.H said...

im glad to of stumbled onto this site. i believe i might be purchasing a 1956 45ft trailer home. looking through these photos has helped me pinpoint some things in my hopes to restore this massive beauty.

Zach said...

Hi Ed, if you haven't sold your Anderson, please email me zcowan88@gmail.com.

Thank you, Zach