Friday, December 23, 2016

Koldverter Refrigerator redone in red

Well I got around the fridge opened up and found years of  mice nest build up it stunk so bad but I did not know that the insulation held in by heavy cardboard on the sides of the fridge had all been turned into nests as well until I got it outside and the wet cardboard fell apart and the insulation fell all over the yard but once I got it apart and worked on it this is how it turned out, now I have searched the internet far and wide and nothing not even Google has any information about Koldverter refrigerators so if anyone knows anything please let me know!!

Before and After! Hope you like it it runs great not super cold but it works

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Once I got the Anderson cleaned out I started seeing big holes in the floor and all the rest of the problems I was going to have to fix so tear down started by pulling all the birch plywood off the walls and basically gutting the whole camper because mice had gotten into the insulation in the celling and walls also a lot of the floors and walls had rotted here are photos from gutting the

Friday, December 16, 2016

Clean up and demo begin inside.

Removed heater and fridge, when I plugged in the Anderson after cleaning it out every light worked and the fridge started running turns out whatever animal was living inside the Anderson kept the mice away from the electronics and wires,

When I clean, I clean. Power washing the outside of the Anderson Coach this past summer on a warm day!